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How to Prepare for CAT DILR 2024

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The Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) component is thought to be the most unclear and daunting part of the CAT. Unlike the other two divisions, it lacks a clearly defined syllabus. However, the issue occurs since the applicants are inexperienced with areas that are not covered in school or college. As a result, the majority of candidates feel that it is the most challenging of the three sections.

However, because most candidates ignore this section and are unprepared, earning a high percentile is made simpler by poor sectional performance. As you read on, you will see that preparing for DILR is focused on practice. As you solve more questions, you will learn different approaches for solving a specific question. While the syllabus for this area is not confined, frequent preparation will familiarize you with the crucial strategies and tricks for getting to the solution.


CAT Preparation Tips: Exam Pattern and Syllabus

The epidemic has caused a number of adjustments to the CAT exam pattern. Thus, understanding the exam pattern and syllabus is the first step in cracking CAT 2024. CAT 2024 is predicted to be comparable to CAT 2023. The amount of questions has been similar over the last two years, as has the duration of the exam. As a result, analyzing the pattern and syllabus is critical for accurately completing the paper.

For your reference, the exam format and curriculum are provided below.

Section No. of Questions Time Allotted Main Topics
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) 24 40 minutes RC passages, Inferences, Summary, Para jumbles, etc.
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) 20 40 minutes Graphs, charts, syllogism, arrangements, etc.
Quantitative Aptitude (QA) 22 40 minutes Algebra, arithmetic, trigonometry, probability, etc.


DILR Preparation: The CAT Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Until CAT 2019, the DILR section contained 32 questions divided into 8 sets. In recent years, the trend has shifted slightly. The DILR component of the CAT 2023 exam consisted of 20 questions out of 66. This year’s sets were divided equally, with 4-5 questions per set. While it is impossible to complete all four sets, a candidate can start by tackling the easier problems and progressing to the more difficult ones.

Here is the exam pattern for the DILR part of the CAT 2023.

Section Detail
Total Questions for DILR 20
Total Time for Section 40 minutes
Division of questions   4 sets of 5 questions each
Marking Scheme +3 for a right answer
-1 for a wrong answer
No negative marking for TITA


DILR Preparation: Important Topics to Expect in CAT 2024

The Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) component of the CAT Exam is thought to be the most unpredictable and a game changer for many. While most CAT candidates agree that the DILR section is the most unexpected and difficult of the three, winning in this section is much easier with the appropriate technique and mentality. As a result, choosing the proper question and method for you is critical when preparing for the CAT DILR.

Take a look at the table below, which lists the major subjects covered in the DILR part, along with their difficulty level:

Topics Difficulty Level Expected No. of Questions
Blood Relations Moderate 2 to 3 Questions
Puzzles Moderate 1 to 2 Questions
Data Sufficiency Moderate 3 to 5 Questions
Graphs Related Moderate 5 to 8 Questions
Seating Arrangement and Data Arrangement Moderately difficult 5 to 6 Questions
Tables and Caselets Moderately difficult 3 to 5 Questions
Clocks & Calendars Moderately Easy 1 to 2 Questions
Assumption and Binary Logic Easy 1 to 2 Questions
Syllogisms and Venn Diagrams Easy 1 to 2 Questions


 What is the best technique for preparing DILR for CAT 2024?

Before you can go on to the best plan for improving DILR, you must first understand that there is no ‘one’ right approach or strategy. Each pupil has a unique strategy. However, we will focus on the most popular strategy.
It revolves around two things –

  • Time management- Optimising time use is the main goal in this segment of the exam. If you can manage your time and correctly answer the relevant questions, you will be able to ace the exam.
  • Question Selection- It is critical that you are able to decide which sets to solve and which not. The exam sets are categorized as easy, moderate, and challenging. Consequently, the choosing of sets becomes a game changer.

This indicates that the candidate must determine the level of difficulty of each set based on their own abilities and then proceed to answer “What sets am I going to answer and in what order (from easy to hard)?”

This entire task should take no more than 5 minutes. So, after sacrificing 5 minutes, a candidate has planned the next 35 minutes and determined the best course of action.

Aside from selecting the appropriate number of sets, it is important to remember to complete one set, including all questions, in no more than 13-14 minutes. This is more than enough time to complete all of the sets specified.

You should also strive to include it into your mock examinations and finally tailor it to your needs.


How to Solve DILR for CAT 2024?

There are no specific guidelines for solving a DILR set of CAT; nevertheless, there are some strategies that can be utilized to answer a question intelligently and effectively within a limited time window. This can only be achieved by practicing as many questions as possible before taking the actual exam. Aside from that, there are a few pointers you may follow when preparing for the DILR section of CAT 2024 to take your CAT preparation to the next level.


Mock Test: Mock tests are vital for getting used to the paper layout, syllabus, and time limits. It will also offer you a good indication of how well you are doing in this section.

How to analyse mock test for CAT

Review Previous Year Papers: Examining previous years’ papers will allow you to assess the level of difficulty and trick questions that frequently catch candidates off guard. The previous papers will assist you in developing a plan for attempting this portion in order to score the highest possible marks.


Balance Speed and Accuracy: This section asks you to reply swiftly and precisely. To enhance your pace and outcomes, work on your deficiencies while also playing to your strengths.


Conduct a Performance Analysis: As you proceed through your DILR preparation for the CAT, make sure to analyze your performance on a regular basis. After each mock test or practice paper, write down the areas where you need to improve and where you’re doing well.


Build Your Strategy: Now that you’ve been studying your own performance and examining prior years’ papers, you should be able to see how you can excel in this part. Play to your strengths and determine the order and plan in which you will attempt DILR for CAT.


Best Books for DILR Preparation for CAT

If you intend to prepare for the CAT exam by yourself. Here are some books that will help you prepare for this area.

Best Books  Author
How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT Arun Sharma
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for CAT Nishit Sinha


DILR Preparation: Scores and Levels of Difficulty in CAT Over Time

The DILR section for CAT has undergone numerous revisions over the years. Here’s an overview of the previous few years:

  1. The exam pattern for CAT 2022 DILR has changed somewhat. Unlike CAT 2021, the DILR portion was broken across four sets of five questions each.
  2. The CAT 2021 DILR difficulty level was moderate, with 20 questions. The portion was divided into two sets, one with four questions and the other with six.
  3. The CAT 2020 DILR difficulty level was moderate, with 24 questions.
  4. The CAT 2019 DILR was slightly easier than the 2018 CAT DILR, with 32 questions in total.
  5. The CAT 2018 DILR difficulty level was moderate, with 32 questions.
  6. The CAT 2017 DILR was more tough than the 2016 CAT DILR, with 32 questions.



DILR for CAT is equally crucial as the other sections of the CAT Exam. DILR preparation for CAT has an impact on candidate selections because IIMs disclose sectional cut-offs for shortlisting candidates. It is a difficult and time-consuming component that yields low marks for candidates. So prepare for the segment and devise a strategy that works for you.

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