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The IBPS RRB Exam for the roles of Clerk and Probationary Officers has been planned on August 3, 4, 10, 17, and 18, 2024 by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. From this point on, aspirants will have roughly 70 days to study for the IBPS RRB 2024 preliminary exam. In order to be eligible for the test, candidates must adhere to a planned and methodical strategy within the allotted time frame.

Timetable for Preparing for IBPS RRB Study Plan Every Day

When we interview candidates who passed the banking exam and inquire about the secret to their success, the majority of them emphasize consistency. Thus, it is evident that everyday practice is crucial to acing the exam. Students can modify their daily plan for IBPS RRB Preparation according to their own rate of learning.

While a basic schedule can be helpful for IBPS RRB preparation, it’s crucial to remember that individual needs can vary. Since everyone learns differently, some customization might be necessary to optimize your studying.

Morning (3-4 Hours): Focus on new topics or revise weaker areas and mandatorily study GA for an hour.

Afternoon (3-4 hours): Practice questions and sectional tests and give full length mocks.

Evening (2-3 hours): Review concepts, analyze mock tests, and answer current affairs questions.

IBPS RRB Study Plan for 70 Days

Candidates should devote the next seventy days to studying all subjects and developing a solid mastery of them. Candidates might be tempted to focus on specific sections they feel stronger in, but since each segment of the exam has equal weight in order to pass, it’s crucial to pay close attention to every single one. The 70-day study plan for the IBPS RRB was covered in the portion that was provided.

A fresher can divide the 70-Day Study Plan For IBPS RRB into 4 different Steps/ Phases.

1: Building Up The Foundation (Week 1-2)

2: Focus On Each of the Topics (Week 3-6)

3: Revise and Practice Questions (Week 7-9)

4: Attempt Mock Tests and Analyze Them (Week 10)

 Phase 1 : Building Up The Foundation (Week 1-2)

The first step for a fresher is to lay the groundwork for the IBPS RRB. The candidate should dedicate a maximum of nearly two weeks to this phase.

A candidate should become familiar with the complete IBPS RRB Syllabus and Exam Pattern as a first priority.

Review the fundamentals of quantitative aptitude and reasoning ability.
Learn the fundamentals of computer knowledge first.

Phase 2: Focus On Each of the Topics (Week 3-6)

Following the establishment of a solid foundation, applicants must concentrate on each subject covered in every portion of the IBPS RRB Exam. But since this phase will serve as the foundation for the subsequent phases, it needs the greatest attention.

Master the fundamentals and go deeply into the subjects of English language, Reasoning, and Quantitative aptitude.

While there are many study resources available, make use of the best and most pertinent ones, such as offline tutorials, video lectures, and textbooks. Candidates can trust PLANET E to help them prepare for the IBPS RRB exam.
Keep track of significant formulas and shortcuts in a separate notebook and take notes.

Phase 3: Revise and Practice Questions (Week 7-9)

After rereading the topics and doing the questions, one’s readiness for the IBPS RRB can be improved. Candidates must practice questions and make revisions after laying the groundwork and concentrating on each of the areas.
Complete the IBPS RRB practice exams and previous year’s question papers from reputable sources.
Evaluate oneself, note your advantages and disadvantages, and make the necessary revisions.
Concentrate on increasing accuracy and speed.

Phase 4: Attempt Mock Tests and Analyze Them (Week 10)

Mock tests can be taken at an earlier stage in your preparation to develop your skills. However, in the final weeks leading up to the exam, you should devote as much time as possible to taking and reviewing mock tests. This way, you’ll be well-prepared for the actual exam format, time pressure, and identify areas needing last-minute improvement.

To replicate the genuine exam experience, take timed, full-length mock exams.

Examine every mock exam in great detail. Determine those errors you make again and try to go past them.

Make time management a priority and plan out how you will take tests.

Syllabus for IBPS RRB study plan

The syllabus for the Clerk & PO for the IBPS RRB is almost the same, the difference comes at the level of difficulty. The following table shows the IBPS RRB Syllabus.


Quantitative Aptitude

Logical Reasoning


General Awareness


Simplification / Approximation Sequence & Series Reading Comprehension Current Affairs Fundamentals of Computer
Number Series Order & Ranking Vocabulary Banking Awareness History of Computer
Quadratic Equations Syllogism Grammer GK Updates Future of Computers
Ratio & Proportion Direction & Distance Cloze test Currencies Basic Knowledge of the Internet
Percentages Blood & Relation Error Spotting Important Places Networking Software and hardware
Ages Machine Output Sentence improvements Books And Authors Computer Shortcut keys
Average Seating Arrangements (Circular, triangular, square, rectangle, etc.) Para Completion Prime Minister Schemes MS office
S.I. & C.I. Linear seating Arrangements Para Jumbles Important Days Database
Time And Work Puzzles

(Flat, Floor, Post, Days, Month, Years, etc.)

Summary, Conclusions Security Tools
Speed, Time & Distance Coding & Decoding Fill in the blanks Virus
Boat & Stream Data Sufficiency Synonyms & Antonyms Hacking
Mensuration (2D & 3D) Inequalities Trojans Input and Output Devices
Partnership Statements & Course of Actions Computer languages
Profit & Losses Cause & Effects
Probability Statements & Conclusion
Data Interpretation

(Radar Chart, line Graph, Bubble Chart, Candle Stick, Tabular, pie Chart, etc.)

Statements & Assumptions
Caselets Word Formation
Venn Diagram
Data Sufficiency
Quantity 1 & Quantity 2


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